Sleep-biological optimization of bed room
Nature-like bed room
Your bed room is the actual place of security, recreation, regeneration, health care, and growth. No other room in your house or apartment shapes its inhabitants like this room –- it is source of regeneration of body and mind. To avoid sleep disturbances, this room needs utmost attention.
Does your bed room enhance healthy and recreational sleep?
A holistically orientated sleep-healthy-concept requires a bed room that mainly is aligned to sleep, is as quiet as possible, can completely be darkened and has an optimal bed room climate (from 16 -18 degrees Celsius, max. 20 degrees Celsius, 40-50 per cent relative humidity) and natural as well as pollution-free building- and furnishing materials. Your sleep environment has a huge influence on your sleeping quality. Massive wood in your sleep surroundings is one of the best companion for sleep.
Nowadays there are numerous studies about the fact that especially electromagnetic pollution is amongst the biggest health hazards and sleep disturbing influences. This also because these technically generated fields –- especially pulsed mobile radio –- is leading to modifications of the brain waves. Additionally, they are disturbing the production of the sleeping hormone Melatonin. Furthermore, sleep biologically important natural fields like the earth magnetic field get superimposed and hence the sleeping quality is diminished. Out of this reason, it is especially important to take precautions.
Make your bed room to an “Oasis of Tranquility and Recreation” again
From the point of view of the environmental mental hygiene of as well the living- as the building-psychology it therefore is recommended to check your own sleep surroundings and the feelings connected with your bed room and to change them, if necessary. Just because our bed rooms became multi-purpose-rooms with sleeping facility long since, only this is having a negative psychophysiological effect on our sleeping quality.
The bed room no longer is automatically directed to sleep, tranquility, recreation and regeneration. The consequences are the most frequent forms of sleep disturbances, the fall-asleep and the sleep-through disturbances, caused by nervous overstimulation. Restructuring is indispensable and is definitely worth it!
Check spatial separation and room function
Consistent sleep hygiene does not only require the spatial separation of working, living and bed room but also to question the whole interior. Everything that is not directly or indirectly connected with recreation, relaxation and sleep has to be eliminated. Consistently, the bed should only be used for sleep and sex.
Out of this reason, concerning healthy and bioenergetic sleep® the motor for sleeping rooms is pretty clear: Mostly, less is much more.
When talking about sleep psychology and sleep hygiene, the demands are obvious. Especially people who are already having disturbed sleep should re-create their “sensual oasis of tranquility and regeneration” themselves or make use of professional help. In any way, the solutions should correspond your personality and you should feel very well!
Just to remind: when you are watching TV, surfing in the internet, phoning, twitter and working in bed room, you are not conditioning yourself to tranquility, relaxation, recreation and sleep. The “bio-logical” consequence is bad, non-recreational and disturbed sleep –- in this case, mostly starting with fall-asleep-disturbances.
Image Source: ©istock
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