The causes for sleep disturbances are manifold and influence our everyday life. When you are suffering under bad sleep you are not rested the next morning and are not fit enough for the day. Consequences of sleep disturbances might be concentration problems, exhaustion, daytime-sleepiness and listlessness. But, how do you realize that you suffer under sleep disturbances?
You are wide awake in the evening
You hardly fall asleep and are awake for several hours without actually being tired. Try to only go to bed, when you really are tired. Don’t think about not being able to fall asleep, try to divert yourself. Read a book or listen to relaxing music.
You don’t sleep through the night
In case you wake up several times each night and stay awake longer this might be an indication for a sleep disturbance. Instead of staying in bed and permanently keeping an eye on the clock you’d better get up and occupy yourself until you get tired again.
You don’t hear the alarm clock going off
One reason for this might be that you just are in a phase of deep sleep when the alarm goes off. Try to find out your sleeping rhythm. How much sleep do you need and when is the perfect time to go to bed? Once found out, it would be best to stick to your sleeping rhythm on the weekends, too.
Sweating at night
A disease or fever might be reason for strong sweating at night. If this is not the case, a too high room temperature might be reason for your sweating. The ideal room temperature in your bedroom is between 61° and 64° F. Also try sheep wool for your bedding. Its characteristics is very useful in preventing from sweating.
You are sleepwalking
About one to two percent of all adults are concerned by regular sleepwalking. Many don’t even get up, they just shortly sit up and lay down again. But, there are sleepwalkers that do get up, do some everyday activities like washing the dishes, walking around, opening and closing doors. Most of the times, sleep walking only lasts for a couple of minutes. Besides a possible heredity, lack of sleep and stress might trigger sleep walking. In case you are a sleep walker care for a proper sleep hygiene.
You are talking in your sleep
This especially disturbs your bedfellow. Nightly talking can simply be mumbling some syllables or even speak some words or even sentences. Often, the sleeping person is not aware of the talking. Trigger often are stress or fever. Relaxation exercises support reduction of night-time speaking.
You are snoring
Snoring not only disturbs your partner but also might lead to an unnoticed awakening of people concerned. Try to sleep on your side when you are snoring.
You are teeth grinding
Stress is triggering night-time teeth grinding. Most of the time, people concerned don’t even notice it themselves. Often it only gets detected when the dentist or the partner give alarm. Teeth grinding not only impairs sleep it also might lead to jaw pain and to wearing off the teeth. Short-term help is some kind of a mouth guard but in long-term only stress reduction helps.
In case, your arm and/or your legs periodically are twitching at night your sleep gets disturbed several times. Seek medical advice when you are suffering at night under movement disorders (restless legs) and during day under exhaustion and tiredness.
You are feeling exhausted and tired during the day
Besides lack of sleep, there are other reasons for tiredness and exhaustion (for example: disturbed hormonal balance, lack of exercise, thyroid gland). Seek medical advice when you experience persistent tiredness throughout a couple of weeks.
Image Source: ©istock
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