Especially in the cold time of the year we are more prone to colds and infects. Healthy sleep, a vitamin-rich diet and warm feet care for a strong immune system.
Miracle cure zinc: when suffering under a lack of zinc you form less immune cells and hence less anti bodies. Nutritionists (German Food Association) recommend about 10 mg zinc for adults, daily. Especially fish, eggs and meat have a high zinc content. But also whole grain, oats or lentils have a high share of zinc.
Cistus tea is rich in vitamin E and phenols. Both stimulate immune cell formation.
Wash your hands: during everyday life we come in touch with several objects that already have been touched by other people (i.e., a shopping trolley, handle in the bus, door handle in the office). Washing hands effectively supports getting rid of unwanted viruses.
Warm feet for a good immune defense: sometimes, cold hand and feet are responsible for a contraction of the vessels in the nasal mucosa which leads to a worse circulation. This weakens the immune system. Sheep wool products care for warm feet and a harmonious bedding climate at night.
Essential oils care for well-being. Lemon oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, mandarin oil is relaxing. It is so soft, that it is a perfect relaxing scent for babies.
Relaxation bath that strengthens your immune system:
3 drops of lemon oil
3 drops of mandarin oil
1 tbsp. jojoba oil
Imagesource: @istock
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