Beside a balanced nutrition and exercise, the importance of healthy sleep more and more penetrates into awareness. The “New York Times Magazine” even wrote about a “sleeping boom”. With good reason: more and more people complain about sleep disturbances. Only when we start to suffer under sleep disturbances we start to notice how big the influence of sleep on our life and well-being is.
Taking sleeping pills is clearly the wrong way. Because: it is only possible to fight sleep disturbances when we correct the actual cause. For example: is permanent stress disturbing your sleep it is better to relieve everyday stress with a relaxation technique like yoga or progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen. Furthermore, sleeping pills have numerous side effects, may be addictive, lead to daytime sleepiness, may cause a worsening of the sleeplessness due to a habituation effect as well as negatively change the natural sleeping cycle.
Examinations in sleep labs revealed that the deep sleep necessary for physical recovery phases cease, at the same time REM-phases necessary for mental recovery are shortened. The condition created by sleeping pills rather resembles an anesthesia than a natural sleep that is essential for recovery of body, mind and soul.
It is a much better option to offer your sleep the preconditions it needs. The SAMINA sleep-healthy-concept will provide you with all necessary information concerning your healthy sleep!
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