Are you suffering under head ache, a stiff neck or pain in the shoulders? All these possibly are symptoms of pain in the back and the neck. Mostly, they are due to an incorrect posture; at work as a well as at home. A bad sitting- or working position or a wrong laying position during sleep care for tensions in the neck and may lead to chronical pain in the neck.
Causes of pain in the neck
Amongst others, these are some causes of pain in the neck:
- lack of movement
- bad body posture
- stress, anxiety and sorrows
- overweight
- injuries
- draft
- rheumatic illnesses
- whiplash
- inflammations
- disc protrusion or herniated disc
- tumor- or bone-diseases
Symptoms of pain in the neck
Most of the time, slight or sever pain occur in the neck. In case a nerve is blocked, it may lead to numbness or tingling sensations (hand or shoulders):
- shoulder- and back pain
- head ache
- immobility of back and shoulders
- limited mobility of the neck
Read more in part 2 of the series “Pain in the neck”.
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