Just like healthy sleep, vacation serves for regeneration. Its goal is, to leave hectic and everyday sorrows behind and to completely relax. Afterwards, one should be able to start into working life full of energy. But, this prospect often causes discomfort for those coming home from the holidays.
The post-holiday-syndrome
Coming back to work after vacation often leads to physical and mental complaints. Amongst others, the mental discomfort expresses itself with tiredness, loss of appetite, listlessness, muscular pains and sleeplessness. Furthermore, irritability, anxiousness and sadness might occur. Experts sum up these symptoms under “post-holiday-syndrome”. That this syndrome not arises resp. can be alleviated, it is advisable to consider some hints.
Hints to ease resp. avoid the post-holiday-syndrome
- Split your annual holiday: Better try to do some shorter vacations than one long holiday. Like this, your total amount of holidays seems longer.
- Take your time to re-adjust: Plan your holiday that you don’t have to return to work immediately after coming home. Cherish in two or three days at home. When placing your first day at work in the middle of the week, you can look forward to the imminent weekend.
- Adapt your biorhythm to everyday life at home: During the remaining days off work, adjust your sleep-wake-rhythm to your everyday rhythm. Go to bed earlier and get up at the usual time.
- A picture of your vacation at your working place cares for holiday feelings: Bring back a souvenir or a nice picture. These let you indulge in positive holiday-memories.
- Integrate a piece of holiday in your everyday life: Just because you are at home, doesn’t mean you can’t feel like on holidays. For example, spend your lunch break in a restaurant with ethnic food. Or plan some comfortable evening in bed with a book you started reading in your vacation.
Imagesource: @istock
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