Are you feeling the need for a short-term wellness holiday? You don’t have to take an exhausting trip, just take some time for a relaxing day at home.
Probably you have everything at home what you need: your favorite music, candles, bath essences and sufficient time. Eventually some fine biscuits and fresh fruits. And of course sufficient sleep at night. Sleep ranks among the best fountains of youth for our body and skin.
Here some ideas, in case you have no appropriate bath essences at hand:
- 750 g pure sea salt
- 1 table spoon almond oil
- 3 table spoons anise seeds
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 5 drops of anise oil (essential)
- 3 drops of orange oil (essential)
Fill sea salt in a large glass with a screw top. Add essential oils, close the glass tight and shake it. Fill anise seeds and cinnamon sticks in a spice bag and put it in the glass. Let the glass rest for five days; during this time the flavors will develop. Afterwards you can decant the bath salt into a nice glass.
Bath-salt for colds
- 1 cup fine sea salt
- 1 cup granular sea salt
- 8 drops of eucalyptus oil
- 8 drops of orange oil
- 8 drops of thyme oil
Mix all ingredients and fill it in a decorative glass. Now, simply fill your bathtub, add some of the bath essence and enjoy a relaxing bath.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Imagesource: @valavier