One of the most important issues of new parents is the sleep of their baby. A newborn can’t differ between day and night. It demands attention and is hungry during night too. Often, a demanding time for parents. But the older the babies get, the easier it is to find the sleep-wake-rhythm of the babies.
Why can’t newborns sleep through at night?
The ideal sleep duration of a newborn is from 14 to 17 hours per day. Of course it differs; the one does with eleven hours of sleep the other needs 19 hours. The majority of newborns sleeps three to four hours in a row. Consequently, they wake up every night at least two- to three times.
The light sleep in their first months of living enables the children to better perceive their needs. The baby is used to a permanent supply via the umbilical cord in mummy’s tummy. And, due to the tiny stomach feelings of fullness don’t last long. Independent from day or night, the small body has to be supplied with sufficient nutrients. Therefore, in the beginning the need for food is more pronounced then the need for sleep.
Normally, the young parents may heave a sigh of relief after about six to eight weeks. Because, the stomach is growing and the phases of sleep in the night become longer. At this age, a baby can differ easier between night and day.
But, it might take some time until the baby sleeps the whole night through; mostly, babies from about the six months on can do so. But, be careful with “sleeping through”: this means, the baby sleeps six to eight hours in a row. So, when it is going to bed at 8 p.m. it might wake up around 4 a.m.
How to support the sleep-wake-rhythm of babies
It is important to underline the difference between day and night. Activities like feeding and changing the diapers in the night should only be done in a quiet surrounding with few light. First thing in the morning is, to open the curtains and shutters so that as much light as possible penetrates the room. Then, washing and changing the clothes is next. This signalizes your baby that the day has begun. Often it helps, to stick to a “fixed schedule” of eating-, playing-, nursing- and sleeping-times. This gives the baby a sense of security and it learns that certain things happen every day.
To process everyday impressions, sleep is important for everyone and especially for newborns. Furthermore, the fast development needs energy which makes tired. And, deep sleep is important for the release of the growth hormone. Rituals to fall asleep in the evening help to distinguish a nap from nighttime sleep.
In the next article find some rituals and hints that support falling asleep.
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