The body still is asleep but the mind is already awake
Sleep paralysis is a sleep disturbance in which people concerned are feeling paralyzed and they are not able to move or speak for seconds or even minutes. During this condition breathing and eyes can be consciously controlled.
About a quarter of all human beings is concerned by a sleep paralysis at least once in life. Sleep rigidity starts when people concerned are changing the phases of sleep and wakefulness. Most of the time, elements of a dream are taken into reality. The sense of paralysis often leads to a state of shock or panic. Normally, after about two minutes the muscles relax, movement is possible again resp. one falls asleep again.
During sleep we experience a sleep paralysis while dreaming. Here it is a protective measure of the body that prevents putting movements we experience during REM-sleep into reality.
It is thought that a sleep paralysis can be triggered by psychological or physical burdens. This includes, for example, depressions, stress, anxiety disorders, migraine, misuse of drugs and/or alcohol. But, an irregular sleeping rhythm or a jetlag might also lead to a sleep paralysis.
Measures against sleep paralysis
Since sleep paralysis is not dangerous, information about the disturbance is sufficient most of the time. In case, sleep paralysis occurs in connection with narcolepsy seek medical advice. Sleep hygiene contributes to prevent sleep paralysis.
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