A footbath in a stream is refreshing; not only after a long hike. Footbaths can be applied year round. The stimuli of the cold water are not only limited to the feet. A footbath positively impacts the whole body. It positively influences our immune system, circulatory, metabolism and nervous system. Insider tip: a cold footbath as sleeping aid.
Are you suffering under disturbances to fall asleep? Then try a cold footbath. This is very relaxing, prevents from cold feet in bed and you will fall asleep smoothly. You have no stream nearby? Don’t worry, footbaths can be easily made at home. You just need a bucket big enough for both feet.
What you should know before taking a footbath
A cold footbath is not good for everyone. Are you suffering under high blood pressure or are you often having bladder infections? Then, a cold footbath is not advisable. Better try other sleeping aids like for example yoga, autogenous training or herbal teas. Only take a cold footbath when your feet are warm.
Relaxing – not only for your feet
After a long walk or hike a refreshing footbath can do wonders. Your feet relax and receive a fresh kick. But, a footbath not only has a calming effect on your feet. Via the nerve endings of the soles temperature stimuli are transferred onto the whole body. The nerves relax, the heart calms down and pulse frequency decreases. This makes a “Kneipp-cure” for your feet perfect for venous disorders, functional heart trouble and disturbances to fall asleep.
How does it work?
A cold footbath as sleeping aid is perfect directly before going to bed. Fill a small tub with fresh, cold water (about 61 °F). Then, bath your feet for 30 seconds at most. Don’t dry your feet, simply wipe the water with your hands and put on some woolen socks. And then: go right into your bed! Sleep well!
Imagesource: @fotolia