Especially in spring many suffer under tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion and listlessness. Our body has to get used again to warmer days and longer sunshine. The conversion of the hormones serotonin and melatonin might lead to sleep disturbances and sleeplessness. Additionally, the limited intake of vitamins and minerals during winter supports lack of power. This has to be balanced. Our hint: Green smoothies fight sleep disturbances.
Green smoothies fight sleep disturbances
Seasonal fruits and vegetables provide a diet rich in vitamins. And this counteracts signs of exhaustion. Green smoothies clearly are a trendy alternative. Especially people who scarcely eat salads or fruits swear by green smoothies. They are prepared quickly and taste good!
Green smoothies deliver a lot of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, amino acids and anti-oxidants. They are not only supporting healthy sleep but also positively influence regulation of your body weight.
Delicious smoothies
- Sleep-improvement-smoothie: This smoothie is full of anti-oxidants and sleep supporting nutrients. Take 1 carrot, 5 spinach leaves and water. Mix the ingredients in your smoothie maker.
- Relaxation-smoothie: This smoothie helps to escape everyday stress and to relax. Falling asleep becomes easier. Take 4 chamomile blossoms, 90 grams romaine lettuce, 1 small banana and juice of half a lemon. First make a chamomile tea. Then put the tea and the other ingredients into your mixer and mix it a couple of minutes.
- Healthy-sleep-fruit-smoothie: take 3 peaches, 1 apple and a handful of mint. Wash and cut the fruits, then put them into the mixer. After mixing it for a couple of minutes, enjoy your fresh smoothie.
These three smoothies have the best effect right before going to bed. Therefore, best drink them half an hour before going to bed.
Imagesource: @deathtothestockphotos