You have slept well and sufficiently but still feel tired and exhausted? Here are five possible reasons for tiredness:
Some people suffer under allergic reactions to dust mites or pollen and take antihistamines right after getting up. They are helpful against allergic reactions but they also get into the nerve cells of the brain and may be responsible for daytime sleepiness.
To avoid dehydration, adults should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. If you drink less, it might lead to decreased physical performance and symptoms like loss of appetite, xerostomia, viscous saliva, constipation, tiredness, exhaustion, head ache. Furthermore, an adequate fluid intake positively influences healthy and restful sleep.
Malfunction of the thyroid:
The thyroid releases hormones that are responsible for regulation of the metabolic organ. Due to a thyroid hypofunction fewer triiodothyronines and thyroxines are released; the pulse decreases and people become tired. But, a hyperthyroidism, too, may lead to exhaustion. Here, the influenced organ functions and metabolic processes work at full steam. Symptoms like cardiovascular problems or the feeling of weakness and restlessness might occur. The concentration of the thyroid hormones in the blood and hence the function of the thyroid can be determined by a doctor.
Iron deficiency:
Estimated 5-10 % of all Europeans suffer under iron deficiency. With women in childbearing age even 20-30 %. Reasons for iron deficiency might be a low iron nutrition, heavy periods, or a high loss of blood due to injuries or a surgery. Due to iron deficiency the red blood cells transport fewer oxygen into the body cells. A severe iron deficiency might cause tiredness, sleep disturbances, restless-legs-syndrome, head ache, concentration problems and hair loss.
To prevent iron deficiency care for a balanced diet. Meat, green vegetables, pulses contain iron. Vitamin C rich foods support iron absorption; coffee, black and green tea on the other hand inhibit the absorption.
Lack of exercise:
Several studies prove that lack of exercise often leads to tiredness. It is important to care for the appropriate amount of and time for movement; physical overstrain might also lead to exhaustion. With simple measurements, exercise can easily be included in your everyday life: walk instead of go by car, walk the stairs instead of take the elevator. Or regularly take an evening walk in fresh air. These things counteract tiredness, you will feel fitter and will have more power.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Imagesource: @SAMINA
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