During night, body and mind regenerate. That’s why sleep duration as well as sleeping quality significantly influence our health. Studies reveal that our sleeping position also influences our health. Sleeping on the left side supports different organs in their function. Amongst others, blood flow and digestion are supported.
What is your preferred sleeping position?
Dorsal, prone or lateral? In case you are no typical left-side-sleeper you absolutely should go on reading. Or simply think about changing your sleeping position.
Why sleeping on the left side is healthier
- Prevents heartburn: our esophagus leads from the right side towards the stomach. When sleeping on the left side, the gastric acid cannot reflux into the esophagus. This prevents inconvenient heartburn.
- Digestion: lying on the left side supports activity of our stomach and our pancreas. Regulation of our digestive juices is relieved. Furthermore, the pancreatic enzymes are secreted easier.
- Lymphatic system: our lymph transport important nutrients like proteins, glucose and others. At the same time, our lymph nodes filter waste products and transport them to the left side of our body.
- Spleen: our spleen is responsible for blood purification. The spleen is also responsible for perfectly functioning lymph. Sleeping on the left side facilitates removal of waste products via the lymphatic system to the spleen.
- Blood flow: our main artery, the aorta, is bended towards left. Therefore, our blood flow is favored when sleeping on the left side. When lying on the right side, our blood has to be pumped upwards.
Source: Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology (http://journals.lww.com/jcge/Abstract/2015/09000/A_Novel_Sleep_Positioning_Device_Reduces.7.aspx)
Imagesource: @shutterstock
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