With help of the following criteria you are able to evaluate your personal sleep-situation. In case you want to improve the quality of your sleep and are ready for a change, optimization of your sleeping place has highest priority.
With this optimization you will be able to fall asleep relaxed as well to thoroughly sleep through. A direct consequence of this is to fulfill the daily tasks full of energy.
The following questions include simple hints and support your well-being.
2. Do my daily routines support sleep resp. are they sleep friendly? Do I take appropriate measures (sunlight, exercise in fresh air, balanced diet, breaks and relaxation, stress management etc.)?
3. Is my sleep surrounding disturbance free, electromagnetically neutralized and harmonical? (Create your personal sleep-island!)
4. At your sleeping place, are there biologically relevant ordering factors like earth’s magnetic field, earth’s pulsation and body grounding taken into consideration? Is your sleeping place optimized by a special silver-sleeping-overlay with bio-magnets as well as effect carriers for stabilization of the earth’s magnetic field?
5. What about your readiness for sleep of body, mind and soul? (Fit and ready for sleep)
6. Do I know any fall-asleep-rituals for reversion of endogenous stimuli (from outside to inside) like relaxation- and meditation-techniques for mental-emotional sleep preparation and sleep attunement? And – do I use them?
Care for being able to answer as many questions as possible with “Yes!”, best, all of them and look forward to a whole lot of vital energy!
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