In the cold time of the year, heaters, fireplaces or other heat sources care for a comfortable temperature. Often, the bedroom is heated, too. Honestly, who likes to slip under a cold blanket? But, if you want to have a really good sleep watch the temperature of your bedroom closely.
The perfect temperature in your bedroom is from 61° to 64° F, summer like winter. Unfortunately, many exaggerate heating in winter. Therefore it is important to turn down the heating before going to bed and to air the room – quickly but thoroughly. Too much heated air (68° F and more) dehydrate the mucous membranes. Then, in the morning you will wake up with a sore throat and hoarse. Additionally, a too warm bedroom leads to nightly sweating. Due to sweat, the evaporation cools the skin – the risk for catching a cold or rheumatism rises.
Sleeping tips for wintertime
Covers of organic materials like sheep wool care for warm nights in winter, too. Care for the suitable length and width of your blanket. A sheep wool pad cares for a cuddly bed.
It is not advisable to wear several layers of clothing in bed. Warming the air close to your body with wool is more effective. But, due to hygienic reasons don’t sleep without any nightwear.
Periodic ventilation cares for fresh air. But close your window when it is very cold out. Dry and cold air dehydrate the mucous membranes, too.
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Imagesource: @SAMINA
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