Women need more sleep than men. Especially during pregnancy sleep comes off badly. The internationally well-known sleeping expert Dr. med. h.c. Günther W. Amann-Jennson reveals, how women find restful sleep.
Sleep disturbances of young women often are connected with menstruation problems, pregnancy or motherhood. “For pregnant women sleeping often becomes difficult. Whether they have problems to fall asleep, difficulties in turning or back problems -– there are many reasons for a disturbed sleep”, so sleep scientist Amann-Jennson.
Sleep during pregnancy
Women not only get too less sleep once the baby is born. Already during pregnancy night time recovery is not that easy. Especially during the last three months of pregnancy, deep sleep declines and night time awakenings increase.
Due to the increase of their abdominal girth it becomes difficult to turn and to find a comfortable sleeping position. Especially the strain on the intervertebral discs increases, out of this reason nightly back problems often lead to sleep disturbances.
Prevent pain in the back
There is no patent solution for restful sleep during pregnancy but there are some effective hints. To prevent back problems a mattress overlay that compensates the contact pressure, especially on the hips is helpful.
This makes it easier to turn and still the spine is properly supported. For women in advanced pregnancy who prefer to sleep on their stomach, a pillow for stomach sleepers is advisable. They relieve the cervical spine and make breathing easier.
Special pillows like a nursing pillow are relieving as well. With these, sleeping on the side is even more comfortable. More and more experts recommend to prefer lateral sleeping during pregnancy. As relevant studies show, sleeping on the back too often might negatively influence the growth of the fetus.
Hints for a restful sleep
• If you can arrange it with your job and your duties, fill up energy with several short naps during the day.
• Move in fresh air and in the sun. Do some easy kind of sport (in the morning or afternoon). This helps to fall asleep and sleep through easier.
• Drink 8 glasses of water throughout the day, fewer in the evening. Avoid any kind of caffeine.
• Keep your bedroom dark; care for a soft lighting when you have to go to the bathroom in the night. Bright light abruptly interrupts your sleep rhythm.
• In case you are lying awake at night, don’t start to brood! Better get up and read a nice book until you get tired.
• The first third of pregnancy is perfect for getting used to sleep on your left side. This position improves the supply of the unborn and the uterus with blood and nutrients, your kidneys are able to eliminate waste products easier.
• Magnesium helps against cramps in the calf. Ask your doctor or midwife about the proper dose.
• A light, small dinner relieves your digestion and enhances sleep.
• In case that you suffer under belching or heartburn don’t lay down 1 to 2 hours after eating. Position your upper body slightly higher by using pillows or adjusting your slat frame.
• A footbath, an aromatic bath or warm and cold showers are relaxing. Try them before going to bed.
• Don’t worry, if you are having very vivid or bizarre dreams, especially during the last third of your pregnancy. These dreams reflect your thoughts, feelings or fears concerning your pregnancy and therefore are very common during these phases.
You should stick to the proven aids and habits that were relaxing during pregnancy. Because, once the baby is born mothers have to make up for lost sleep during the daytime as well!
Best sleep for you and your baby!
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