First off: your body is no machine. Unfortunately, many tend to forget this fact. Especially during stressful times, in times of high work load or social obligations. But, our body and mind need phases of regeneration – during the day and at night.
Tired? Exhausted? Overworked?
At present, depressive disorders experience a sharp increase. Worldwide, about 400 million people suffer under depressive disturbances and health problems. According to the WHO, this number will further increase. Experts estimate an increase of about 20 %. But, why is that?
We all know the feeling of low spirits, sadness and grief. But, normally these human emotions disappear after a couple of days. This is not the case with people suffering under a depressive disorder. Here, people concerned lose interest in usually pleasant things. They are not able to enjoy anything anymore. Remains a depression undetected and untreated, it might lead to severe complications, in the worst case even the life might be at stake.
Luckily, targeted measures and therapies are helpful for most people concerned and a depressive disturbance can be treated effectively. Here, healthy sleep is pivotal.
Healthy sleep for a healthy body
The causes of depressions are complex and yet not totally decoded from science. Reasons for depressive disorders might be multicausal. Besides a genetic predisposition, negative experiences, stress, lack of light, hormonal imbalance but also lack of sleep resp. sleep disturbances might be possible reasons for a disturbance.
70 % of the physical and 100 % of the mental regeneration happen during sleep. So, sleep is – besides nutrition and exercise – one of the most important pillar for our health. When you miss out sleep or when your sleep is disturbed, not only the nightly recreational value suffers but also our well-being and our health. In case you are sleeping badly you are automatically weakening your body. In stressful situations you are less resistant and/or less resilient. Furthermore, you are going to be exhausted much quicker.
The connection of depressions and sleep disturbances is well investigated. For example it is known that a majority of people suffering under depressions are also affected by sleep disturbances – disturbances to fall asleep, to sleep through or waking up too early. Longstanding, general opinion was that sleep disturbances simply are an attendant symptom of depressive diseases. Nowadays it is known that sleeping problems are more than that – they also might be co-responsible for a mental disease.
Types and extent of depressions
Depressions might last over years or occur in short episodes. As soon as a depression lasts two years or longer it is called a persistent depressive disturbance. A bipolar disorder (manic-depressive) is a disorder that takes place in cycles: times of extreme highs are followed by depressive lows and vice versa. Seasonal conditions might lead to depressive disturbances, like the seasonal-affective-disorder (SAD). Mostly, this type of depression is influenced by day- resp. sunlight and is recurrent during autumn and winter – times with few sunlight. Another form of a depressive disturbance is the so-called baby-blues. Here, hormonal changes as well as lack of sleep after birth are the reason. Normally, these feelings pass within two weeks. In case they last longer it is called a postnatal depression. Young mothers concerned often suffer under loss of appetite as well as continuing negative feelings.
Healthy sleep – a possible therapeutic option
Now, when you are sleeping badly you are favoring a possible formation of a depressive disorder. Most of the time, people concerned suffer under disturbed sleeping phases. For example, the phase of deep sleep is suppressed or REM-sleep disturbed due to frequent wakings. Often, as a consequence the production of the sleeping hormone melatonin is affected, just like the release of growth hormones, the level of cortisol on the other hand often is increased.
Bad sleep has consequences: people with too few sleep are tired during the day, are unmotivated and unfocused. But, besides the physical fitness the mental fitness is suffering, too. Lack of sleep is noticeable at all levels – mentally, emotionally and physically.
In Gaflei, in the Principality of Liechtenstein, Marc Risch and his wife Michaela have founded the first private clinic for treatment of diseases caused by stress and have broken new ground, the CLINICUM ALPINUM. Besides classic treatment of mental diseases they consciously emphasize healthy sleep, a lot of rest and nature. All rooms and suits of the private clinic opening in 2019 are equipped with the sleep-healthy-concept of SAMINA – according to the motto: “Nature inside – nature outside”. Because, the location has been chosen deliberately, too. Secluded in nature, patients have the possibility to totally recover – without the typical everyday stress and hospital-flair.
Besides the integration of the SAMINA sleep-healthy-products, the patients of the CLINICUM ALPINUM also benefit from an individual sleep coaching after Prof. Dr. med. h.c. Günther W. Amann-Jennson. The clinic is considered a forerunner and represents a huge rethink in the present conventional medicine. By conception of the sleep-healthy-philosophy including passive therapies during sleep like the therapeutic sound pillow or holistic body grounding, healthy sleep is applied and implemented diagnostically as well as medical-therapeutically for quick recovery of the patients. So, the sleeping process becomes enhanced at all levels and the sleeping quality verifiably improved. Body and mind get optimal recovery during sleep.
Learn to sleep healthy (again)
Many have forgotten how to sleep healthy. Smartphone, tablet, TV, etc. became constant companions in the bedroom. But, lifestyle and everyday stress most of the time have a negative influence on our sleep. But, there are good news: healthy sleep is easy to learn! Focused sleep coaching individually reacts on sleeping problems of the person concerned and optimizes the personal sleeping process. Step by step back to a healthy, restful sleeping experience.
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