Fantastic Indian Summer days invite to more or less extended hikes. Only when you begin well rested your hike will become enjoyable. Which leads us directly to sufficient and healthy sleep. Only when your sleep will be like this, you will be able to mobilize physical and mental commitment for joyful hikes in the long run.
Sleep duration
The optimal sleep duration varies from person to person, but from six to eight hours are perfect. During this time, there is a cycle of constantly changing different sleeping phases, each one with its individual task. Besides the so-called phase of sleep onset as well as phases of light and average sleep there are especially phases of deep-sleep and REM-sleep.
All these phases taken together become one sleeping cycle which lasts about 90 minutes. Ideally, one sleeping cycle is passed through four to five times per night. This leads to an ideal sleep duration of about six to eight hours.
Deep sleep
Especially during the first third of the night, the phases of deep sleep are more pronounced. Besides processing new learning contents in the brain especially physical regeneration is happening during deep sleep. Furthermore, especially during this phase the growth hormone somatropin is released. This hormone is not only important for longitudinal growth during childhood. Our muscles, too, need somatoprin for their growth. Hence, sufficient deep sleep cares for perfect pre-conditions for a fit and rested body.
REM sleep
The longer you sleep the shorter phases of deep sleep get and the longer the phases of deep sleep become. The deep sleep is especially important for our mental recovery as well as for processing and saving motion sequences. Flexibility in the motoric – especially important when the underground is changing. During hiking, a change of a paved way to forest paths or a rocky terrain etc. is a constant companion. So, indulge yourself in sufficient sleep! Because, the perfect time to review sensory impressions and well-being taken along are definitely vast phases of REM-sleep.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Image source: @fotolia
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