Our genes are responsible
When you are grumpy in the mornings you know the procedure: the alarm clock goes off and you just want one thing – turn around once more and stay in bed. Those who don’t do mornings hardly get started. The early risers on the other hand are in top form in the morning and early active.
Based on a study it was tried to investigate why we belong to early risers (larks) or late risers (owls). Conclusion: 15 genes are responsible. Our biorhythm influences the times of being efficient resp. of becoming tired. The biorhythm of every human being is different. Scientists of the biotechnology company “23andMe”, California, questioned about 90,000 people in a web-based survey about their sleeping behavior. In addition, the DNA of the questioned people has been analyzed.
The scientists concluded that with the early risers 15 fragments of the DNA resemble themselves with the same sequence of base pairs. There, seven of the 15 sequences are in the area of the internal clock controlling genes that influence sleep duration as well as REM-sleep. The meanings of the remaining sections have yet to be examined more carefully.
The study proves that more women belong to early risers than men. Furthermore, scientists discovered a connection between the genes of early risers and certain personality traits the participants quoted. Morning people are less prone to sleep disturbances, have less body weight and suffer about one third less under depressions than long sleepers.
No matter whether you belong to larks or owls – it is important to know your personal sleep need and to consider it. With a regular sleep-wake-cycle it will be much easier to start in the new day. Even for late risers.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Source: http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms10448
Imagesource: @SAMINA
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