Sleeping is healthy -– not only for grown-ups but also for children and teenagers. Mind and soul need relaxation periods to cope with the impressions of the previous day, the body is able to restore used energy. Out of this reason, constancy and regularity are important for the human organism and the psyche. But, children have to learn the proper sleeping behavior step by step. Only out of fear that they might miss something important they seldom enough go to bed voluntarily. The feeling for the own body is still missing and so they often don’t realize how tired they really are. Out of this reason, parents have to help them with a clear and consistent daily routine and fix times to go to bed.
Besides the orthopaedics and the bedding climate it is very important for babies and children that biologically produced and untreated materials are used. SAMINA is carefully, individually and manually processing these materials, so that the natural characteristics of the used materials survive. The young organism is not as resistant as the one of a grown-up, that’s why it is so important in the sleeping area of the little ones. Unfortunately, children have to cope with a lot of burdening effects during the day, the better sleeping in a SAMINA bed with an appropriate bedding content is for them.
A good sleeping underlay is pre-condition for healthy sleep
The bedding climate is very important for a healthy and relaxing sleep. On the one hand, children have a distinct need for warmth on the other hand sweat a lot more easy than grown-ups. Especially here, sheep wool cares for the necessary cuddly warmth and the optimal temperature compensation. Only sheep wool offers a high warmth-retention-ability paired with an excellent humidity transportation and lets the skin breath. Sheep wool cares for a dry-warm bedding climate and so deprives dust mites from their basis of life. Furthermore, sheep wool is perfectly suitable for allergy sufferers.
How much sleep is necessary?
Of course, there are individual variations in the sleep need of children. You should never force a particularly active kid that doesn’t need a lot of sleep into a rigid sleeping schedule. But still, there are rough guide values:
Children from 1 to 3 years:
Normally, they are sleeping from 10 to 12 hours. In this age, they normally are sensitive for fix night-time and go-to-bed rituals.
Children at preschool age:
They too sleep about 10 to 12 hours. Often, they are troubled by nightmares and need comfort and security.
School children:
They need about 10 hours of sleep. In this age, the typical sleeping problems of early childhood normally ease. The personal sleeping type (early or late riser) clearly emerges in this age.
Teenagers in puberty:
With the onset of puberty teenagers need more sleep again. Sleep scientists believe that the sleeping hormone melatonin — which is released during night — is responsible for that. The melatonin release of teenagers is not only enhanced, the release also postpones into the morning. So, it doesn’t really make sense to send them to bed earlier. Although they lie in bed earlier, they are only able to fall asleep later. Only from 14 to 16 years on, a teenager is sleeping about the same amount as a grown-up. The average sleep duration then is between seven to eight hours.
Image Source: ©fotolia
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