About a quarter of the time sleeping we are spending in REM-sleep. Another quarter we are in deep sleep, the rest of the time is either light sleep or the change from one sleeping phase into another. Everyone is dreaming every night, independent from being able to remember the dreams the next morning or not. Most of the time we only remember the things we dreamt right before waking up.
Why are we dreaming?
There are different scientific theories about why dreams occur. One theory is that we are processing the daily events. Events, unconsciously perceived and repressed things, wishes and desires are dealt with. Another assumption is that dreams are helping to prepare oneself to real, bad events.
How long does a dream last?
The first dream is short and lasts about five minutes. The longer we are sleeping the longer the phases of REM-sleep become. The last phases of REM-sleep might last up to 20 minutes. Depending on the total sleep duration, there are four to six REM-sleep phases which leads to about 1.5 hours a day spent dreaming.
Why can’t we remember every dream?
We are only able to remember a dream when a part of our brain still is active. But, the more realistic and exciting a dream is the more we are going to remember it.
Is it possible to control dreams?
Some people are able to have “lucid dreams”. During lucid dreams you are well aware that you are dreaming, you are able to control your dream and – up to a certain degree – to steer it into the direction desired. Furthermore, you are having direct connection to your subconscious. More and more psychologists, doctors and sports physicians use lucid dreaming in their therapy. It is said that it supports stress relief, increases performance in sport or is helpful when having relationship problems.
What are we dreaming about?
Shortly after falling asleep we are dreaming about less exciting things; most of the time things of the previous day. During the second half of the night, extraordinary things are going to happen in our dreams, like we are able to fly, all of a sudden. It depends on our emotional life whether we are dreaming in color or black and white. When we are having a good connection to our emotional life, colorful dreams are possible.
Do our dreams have special meanings?
There are scientists who assume that dreams reveal our most secret wishes and fears. So, when trying to see behind the meaning of your dreams you might learn a lot about yourself.
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