Drop in performance, lack of concentration, irritability, increased error rate. Are you a company owner or a senior executive and discover one or the other deficit in yourself? Then, most likely you are not only suffering under stress due to a huge workload but also under a pronounced sleep deficit.
More and more often scientific studies prove the consequences of chronic tiredness: manager who have too few or bad sleep are more irritated, less concentrated, clearly make more mistakes and make more wrong decisions than slept-off people. Furthermore, they suffer more often under strokes, cardio-vascular diseases and tend to increased susceptibility to stress, back pain and depressions. A chronical lack of sleep disturbs our hormonal balance since release of important hormones like melatonin, cortisol, leptin or prolactin is inhibited. This frequently weakens our immune system and disturbs metabolism – and this even might lead to overweight. Furthermore, the aging process goes on much quicker. The personal price a tired manager has to pay is high: you are not only losing your health, vitality and joie de vivre, in the end chronical lack of sleep is also jeopardizing your career.
Good sleeping means working more effective
Long since managers have learnt from competitive sports: performance depends on inner biological rhythms. Depending on how the inner clock runs it is easier for us to think or we have high power. Most of the people are most efficient between 10.00 and 12.00 a.m. At this time they are working concentrated and think creative. Round lunchtime the performance curve levels off until about 03.00 p.m. before the next high arises between 04.00 and 08.00 p.m. But, this strongly is connected with our sleeping behavior. When you are sleeping and working in rhythm you are more productive and more effective in any case.
Learn how to sleep good and sufficient
Actually healthy sleep would need no strategies or special methods. But, our lifestyle and job-related stress massively changed this in the last few years. To optimize sleep deliberately and focused it is advisable to consult an expert or sleep coach. When you deal with the basics of sleep you will also get to know your personal “sleep robbers” and can deal with them. Clearly the worst solution are sleeping pills.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Image source: @fotolia
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